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George A Blake
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Calm Abiding Mediation
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Mature Male Nurse
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Unity In Duality Spirituality
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Learn Recall
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Vehicle Living
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Psych Tech Tips
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How to Invest in 
Real Estate


Welcome to GeorgeBlake.com. You will find a wide variety of helpful information here. To find the blog post your looking for see the panel on the right side of this website. There are categories, tags, archives, and recent posts you can click to find that certain blog post. Each blog post is the basis of a YouTube video. You can find links to ten different YouTube channels on the left side of this website.

If you are looking for information on cutting costs, raising sales, streamlining business operations, systems management, entrepreneurship, life struggles, business book reviews and summaries, Marine Corps or other leadership principles then go to the YouTube channel George A Blake

If you are looking for guided meditations, affirmations, subliminals, WHY mindfulness, hero’s journey meditation to start good habits or stop bad habits then the YouTube channel for you is Calm Abiding Meditation

If your a late bloomer, a senior or mature person, a male nurse or paramedic or anyone who started a new career much later in life (I went to nursing school when I was 60 years old) then the YouTube channel for you is Mature Male Nurse

If you are not religious but are looking for spirituality, interest in the Tao Te Ching, Zen, Buddhism, Eastern thought then join me on the YouTube channel Unity In Duality Spirituality

If you are a teacher or student in school or learning on your own then come get tips on studying, memory, learning, metalearning, speed reading and good grades on my YouTube channel LearnRecall

If you are interested in alternative living in a tiny house or vehicle be it a car, van, truck, bus or other vehicle then the YouTube channel for you is Vehicle Living

Learning about the origin of medication names help you to learn the medications. If you want to see brief pharmacology videos to help learn medications then join me on the YouTube Channel Medication Minute

If you are a mental health worker, a behavioral health tech, a psychiatric technician, or psych tech or you employ them then find helpful information about working with inpatient psychiatric patients at the YouTube channel Psych Tech Tips

If you are interested in 2nd language acquisition, or you are a want-to-be polyglot, that is, are you learning multiple languages then join me on the YouTube channel Language Learning Lane

If you are interested in buying and selling real estate, flipping or holding, if you want to become a real estate investor then check out the YouTube channel How to Invest in Real Estate

Cargo Van Conversion Considerations to Think About Before Starting

Cargo vans are a great option for those looking for a compact camper. They offer many features such as storage space, a kitchenette, and an awning. However, there are some considerations to make before starting a cargo van conversion.

First, you should consider the size of the vehicle you want to use for your cargo van. The longer the van, the more space you will have for your possessions. If you plan to live in your van full time, you will also need extra room for appliances. Also, you will need to make sure you have the correct density foam for your mattress.

Another thing to consider is the type of fuel you choose. Diesel engines are usually more fuel-efficient. On the other hand, gas-powered work vans can be less expensive to repair and operate. This type of engine is also more durable.

If you are planning to build a cargo van on your own, it is important to be aware of some of the most common pitfalls. You should also think about what types of comfort items you want to have in your new van. For example, if you’re interested in technology, you may want a high-tech bed. But, you should also think about your budget.

It’s a good idea to find a professional company to help you with your van conversion. Their expertise and experience can save you headaches. Plus, they can guarantee you a high-quality build. Besides, they will offer you easy insurance.

Among the most popular cargo vans on the market today are the Ford Transit and the Sprinter. These vans come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Depending on your preferences, you can choose either a 2WD or 4WD model. Moreover, they can be purchased in both gas and diesel.

When choosing a cargo van, you’ll also need to consider the service history of the van. It’s a good idea to purchase a used van, because you can save a lot of money. Before deciding to buy a used vehicle, however, you should also think about the mileage and the number of times the vehicle has been repaired.

Finally, if you plan to go on long trips, you’ll want to consider a cargo van with a higher roof. High-top models have a longer body and are ideal for travelers. There are also step vans, which are also called multi-stop trucks. In general, these are more spacious than other converted vans.

While the vans mentioned above are the most popular choices, there are other options. For instance, you can also convert your own fire truck or garbage truck into a camper. Although this isn’t your first choice, there are a lot of creative people who have done this.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to build your own cargo van or to hire a company is yours. A professional build will save you the hassle of figuring out the details yourself, and they’ll offer you the assurance that your van will be built correctly and at a reasonable price.

How to Remember Names and Faces

How to remember names and faces is a topic that many of us have struggled with. The best way to recall someone’s name is to follow a few simple steps. You should first decide on a strategy that will work for you. For instance, you may want to start by writing the name of the person you are talking to on a piece of paper, and then take a few minutes to go over it. This will help to make sure that you actually remember it when the time comes.

If you are not quite ready to commit to a formal exercise, you can try doing a quick test in which you recite someone’s name to yourself. This will provide you with some good practice for the next time you meet the same person. However, it should be clear that this isn’t the quickest way to memorize a name.

One of the easiest ways to recall a person’s name is to ask them. Do this at least once or twice during a conversation. It will give you an opportunity to see how the person reacts to your attempts to recite their name. Additionally, you may find that you’ve learned a lot about them, which is always a bonus.

Another effective strategy is to use a mnemonic device. A mnemonic is a clever little piece of advice or information that can be used to recall a person’s name. They can be in the form of a poem or rhyme, a story, or a number of words, among others. In any case, it’s a good idea to test your memory with something that you know you have the knack for.

In terms of the aforementioned m-m-m, a m-m-m is an acronym for “micro-manipulation” which is the fancy word for “a process of modifying an existing mental image in the mind.” This is what you do when you think about a name. To a large extent, it is akin to learning a new language, where you learn a small amount of information at a time.

One of the most important tips for remembering a person’s name is to simply pay attention. In particular, you want to focus on the person’s facial expression. Try to envision a picture of them in your mind. When you do this, the chances are that you’ll remember their name.

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to their body language. For example, if they’re wearing a sweater or cap, then you may be able to associate their name with the fabric of their clothing. Similarly, you can recall a person’s name by taking note of how they talk.

It’s easy to forget a person’s name if you don’t take the time to learn it. If you are at a social event, you can try to remember the names of all the people you meet. Or you could use your phone to list their names. Remembering a person’s name will not only strengthen your bond with them, but will also ensure that you don’t get lost in the crowd

10 Tips to Remember People’s Name

If you’re having a hard time remembering someone’s name, there are some tricks you can try. Not only will it help you make a good first impression, it can also lead to some interesting connections. You might even discover your new business partner or best friend! Here are 10 tips to remember a person’s name:

The first and most obvious rule of thumb is to remember to ask. Asking for details about another’s life will help you get to know them better and, in turn, will improve your memory. However, if you’re not feeling too friendly, you may not want to enlighten them with too many personal tidbits.

You might also consider a visual method of remembering a name. Try imagining that the name is written across your forehead. This will help you remember it better than trying to memorize it. Some people have even found that writing down the name can improve recall. Others prefer to get a business card, or use an app like Nameorize on their phone. Whatever your preference, it’s important to do it.

Another trick is to associate the name with something that has a special meaning. For instance, if you’re having a conversation with a new friend, you may want to mention the name of a nearby temple or landmark. Similarly, if you’re a fan of an old movie, you can imagine a scene where the movie star’s name appears in the credits. By connecting the name to a memorable scene in the past, you’ll be more likely to remember it.

Trying to remember a name is a daunting task for many, but it doesn’t have to be. These tips can help you to do it more often. Remembering a name is an art, and it can be a matter of attitude. If you have the right mindset, you can reap the rewards.

It’s a fact that your name is one of the most important things you’ll ever say or write, so a good memory is essential to a positive impression. It’s a shame that you’ll never be able to say “Hi, my name is Keith” when someone asks you to introduce yourself, but a well-thought-out name can go a long way to helping you stand out in a crowd.

One last tip: try using a mnemonic device to help you remember a name. Mnemonic devices work by linking a complex concept with simpler ones. For example, if you have trouble remembering the name of a friend, you might use the name of a famous movie star, or the name of a popular book. Or, you might consider a story that links a difficult concept with a more mundane one.

Although these suggestions aren’t foolproof, they can help you to remember the name of a person better than you’ve ever remembered a name before. While it’s true that you’ll never be able to remember every name you meet, you can learn to let go of your inhibitions and remember the names of people who’ve influenced you.

10 Spirituality Topics that Could be Explored

Spirituality is a broad and complex concept that can be difficult to define. At its core, spirituality is about the quest for a deeper understanding of the self and the world around us, and the search for connection and meaning in our lives. It can involve beliefs and practices related to religion, philosophy, personal growth, and even scientific understanding of the mind and the universe.

Some possible topics that could be explored further in the study of spirituality include:

  1. Meditation and mindfulness: The practice of becoming more aware of the present moment and one’s thoughts, feelings, and surroundings can lead to a deeper sense of self-awareness and inner peace.
  2. Yoga and other spiritual practices: Yoga and other practices, like tai chi and qigong, can be used to connect with the body and the breath, and can help to create a sense of balance and harmony in one’s life.
  3. Religion and spirituality: Many people turn to religious practices and beliefs as a means of connecting with something greater than themselves. This can include prayer, worship, reading sacred texts, and participating in community rituals.
  4. Near-death experiences and the afterlife: Many people report profound spiritual experiences during near-death situations, and these experiences can often lead to a renewed appreciation for life and an increased sense of connection to something greater than ourselves.
  5. The power of nature: For many, spending time in nature can be a deeply spiritual experience. From the grandeur of mountains and oceans to the simplicity of a single flower, nature can remind us of the interconnectedness of all things and our place within the larger natural world.
  6. The role of community: Many people find that participating in a community of like-minded individuals can be an important part of their spiritual journey. This can include joining a church, temple, or mosque, or participating in a group meditation or yoga class.
  7. Personal growth and self-discovery: For some, spirituality is about a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This can involve exploring one’s own beliefs and values, and working to become a more authentic and fulfilled person.
  8. Science and spirituality: Some argue that our growing understanding of the natural world can deepen our spiritual understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This includes the study of the human mind and consciousness, the origins of the universe, and the nature of reality.
  9. Dreams and other altered states of consciousness: For many people, exploring the inner worlds accessed through dreams and other altered states of consciousness can be a powerful spiritual practice.
  10. Ethics and morality: For some, spirituality is closely tied to ethical and moral values, and the pursuit of a more compassionate and just world. This can include activism and service to others, as well as working to improve one’s own character and conduct.

It is worth noting that spirituality is an individual journey, and can be approached in many different ways. And people can often find their own ways of connecting with their spirituality, there’s no wrong way to do it. Each person will find the topics and practices that resonate with them the most, and use them to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

10 Things a Male Nurse can do to Fit in Better

The nursing profession has traditionally been a female-dominated field, and as a result, male nurses may sometimes face challenges fitting in and being accepted by their female colleagues. However, it’s important to note that the majority of nurses are professional and respectful and discrimination based on gender is unacceptable. Here are 10 things a male nurse can do to fit in better:

  1. Be professional: Always conduct yourself in a professional manner and maintain a high level of patient care. This will help to earn the respect of your colleagues.
  2. Communicate effectively: Make sure to clearly and effectively communicate with your colleagues, patients and superiors. This will help to build trust and respect.
  3. Be a team player: Be willing to help out and collaborate with your colleagues. This will help to build a positive working relationship with them.
  4. Be respectful: Show respect to your colleagues and patients, regardless of their gender.
  5. Show empathy: Show compassion and empathy to your patients. This will help to build trust and a good patient-nurse relationship.
  6. Be open-minded: Be open to learning from your colleagues, regardless of their gender.
  7. Be knowledgeable: Keep up to date with the latest developments in the field, and be able to speak intelligently about current nursing practices.
  8. Be confident: Believe in yourself and your abilities as a nurse. Confidence can be contagious and can help to build respect among your colleagues.
  9. Don’t take things personally: Keep in mind that any negative interactions with colleagues may not be a reflection of you personally, but rather a reaction to the imbalance of the gender in the field.
  10. Don’t make assumptions: Avoid making assumptions about your colleagues based on their gender, and make an effort to get to know them as individuals.

It’s important to remember that as a male nurse, you have just as much to offer as any female nurse. By being professional, respectful, and a team player, you can gain the respect and acceptance of your colleagues and succeed in the nursing profession. It’s also important to report any discrimination or harassment, this kind of behavior should not be tolerated and should be addressed immediately.

10 Things you get FREE with Calm Abiding Meditation

Calm Abiding Meditation, also known as “Shamatha” in Tibetan Buddhism, is a type of meditation practice that helps to develop the ability to focus and sustain attention on a chosen object of meditation, such as the breath, a mantra, or an image. This type of meditation is intended to help develop a calm, clear and stable mind. Here are 10 characteristics of Calm Abiding meditation:

  1. One-pointedness: The ability to focus on a single object of meditation without distraction.
  2. Stability: The ability to maintain attention on the chosen object of meditation for an extended period of time.
  3. Clarity: The ability to perceive the object of meditation with a clear and vivid awareness.
  4. Pliancy: The ability to easily direct the mind towards the chosen object of meditation and bring it back when the mind has wandered.
  5. Equanimity: The ability to remain calm and composed when faced with distractions, whether internal or external.
  6. Non-conceptual: The ability to focus on the present moment, without the intrusion of thoughts or concepts.
  7. Self-awareness: The ability to be aware of the mind’s own activity during meditation.
  8. Calmness: The ability to bring a sense of calm and peace to the mind.
  9. Flexibility: The ability to adapt to different objects of meditation as well as to different levels of concentration.
  10. Progress: The ability to progress in the practice through the development of these qualities over time and sessions, allowing the meditator to reach deeper levels of concentration, clarity and peace.

Calm Abiding Meditation can be practiced by anyone, regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs. It’s considered to be an essential practice to achieve a stable and strong mind which could be very beneficial in dealing with the stress of everyday life, and also can improve overall well-being. With regular practice and patience, one can expect to experience a greater sense of inner peace and balance, better concentration, and improved mental and emotional well-being. As with any practice, consistency is key and it’s important to set aside regular time to practice and to be mindful of one’s intentions and motivations.

10 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Systems Analyst

A systems analysis is a valuable tool for any company looking to improve its operations and increase efficiency. A systems analyst is a professional who can help a company understand how its different systems and processes interact and how they can be improved. Here are 10 reasons why a systems analysis can be a large value to your company and why you should hire a systems analyst:

  1. Identify inefficiencies: A systems analyst can help identify inefficiencies in your company’s processes, systems, and operations. This can help you save time and resources, as well as improve the overall efficiency of your company.
  2. Improve communication: A systems analyst can help improve communication within your company. They can help identify areas where communication is lacking and recommend solutions to improve it.
  3. Increase productivity: By identifying and addressing inefficiencies, a systems analyst can help increase productivity within your company. This can lead to increased profits and a more efficient workforce.
  4. Reduce costs: A systems analyst can help identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses within your company, which can lead to cost savings.
  5. Improve customer satisfaction: A systems analyst can help identify areas where customer satisfaction is lacking and recommend solutions to improve it. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and improved sales.
  6. Enhance decision-making: A systems analyst can provide valuable insights and data that can help improve decision-making within your company. This can lead to better-informed decisions and a more effective company overall.
  7. Identify new opportunities: A systems analyst can help identify new opportunities for growth and expansion within your company. They can also provide guidance on how to best pursue those opportunities.
  8. Stay competitive: By improving efficiency and identifying new opportunities, a systems analysis can help your company stay competitive in a constantly changing market.
  9. Identify and mitigate risks: A systems analyst can help identify potential risks to your company’s operations and recommend solutions to mitigate those risks.
  10. Improve overall operations: A systems analysis can lead to improvements in many areas of your company’s operations, from communication and productivity to customer satisfaction and decision-making. This can lead to a more effective and efficient company overall.

I have a unique perspective writing this, my second master’s degree is in systems management from the University of Southern California.

In conclusion, a systems analysis can provide significant value to your company, by identifying inefficiencies, improving communication, increasing productivity, reducing costs, improving customer satisfaction, enhancing decision-making, and identifying new opportunities. Hiring a systems analyst can be a smart move for any company looking to improve its operations and stay competitive in a constantly changing market

10 Tips to buy a house “Subject to the Mortgage”

Buying a house “subject to the mortgage” is a method of purchasing a property where the buyer takes over the existing mortgage from the seller instead of obtaining a new one. In this type of transaction, the seller conveys the property to the buyer, and the buyer takes over the payments on the mortgage. Here are 10 tips to help you navigate the process of buying a house “subject to the mortgage”:

  1. Understand the process: It is essential to understand the process of buying a house “subject to the mortgage” so that you know what to expect. This type of purchase requires that the buyer take over the existing mortgage on the property. There are seminars you can attend that teach this technique. Consider attending one before you buy.
  2. Check the mortgage: Before making an offer, it is important to check the mortgage on the property. Make sure you understand the terms of the loan, the interest rate, and the remaining balance. Look at the seller’s mortgage paperwork. Look up the mortgage in the county records and see what is recorded there. Make sure there are no second mortgages on the property.
  3. Get pre-approved for the mortgage: Before you make an offer, it’s a good idea to get pre-approved for the mortgage. This will help you determine how much you can afford and will show the seller that you’re a serious buyer. Well, that is what the good real estate agent will tell you, but personally when I purchased this way I never changed the mortgage out of the seller’s name and I never told the bank. I just keep sending checks to the bank and they kept accepting the money.
  4. Hire an experienced real estate agent: Finding a reputable real estate agent who has experience with this type of transaction can be incredibly helpful. They can help guide you through the process and can answer any questions you may have. This is good for your first purchase, but after that, I avoided real estate agents when I could.
  5. Have a clear contract: Having a clear contract in place will ensure that everyone understands the terms of the sale. Be sure to have a lawyer review the contract before signing it. This is important. You control the contract. Do not accept a contract from the seller because it is liable to be slanted too far in their favor.
  6. Be prepared for closing costs: Closing costs will still apply when buying a house “subject to the mortgage.” Be sure to budget for these costs, which may include title insurance, property taxes, and home inspections. On some houses, I purchased this way, I did not use a closing company. I recorded the sale in the country records myself and made sure all taxes were paid. I did not always use a home inspector.
  7. Be aware of the risks: One of the biggest risks when buying a house “subject to the mortgage” is the possibility of foreclosure. The lender may foreclose on the property if the buyer fails to make the payments, so it’s important to make sure you can afford the mortgage before you buy. I never had a lender foreclose when payments were being made, no matter who was making payments. Beware, If there is a second mortgage, the lender will almost certainly foreclose.
  8. Take time to inspect the house: Make sure you inspect the house before making the purchase. Look for any issues that may need repairs, and make sure you have a clear understanding of the condition of the property.
  9. Be aware of the legal requirements: Buying a house “subject to the mortgage” requires compliance with local and state laws. Be sure to comply with all legal requirements, such as obtaining title insurance, and also review all transfers of deeds and mortgages. Title insurance is not always a requirement in every jurisdiction. It can be skipped, but at your own risk. Have an attorney write your first contract, then use if over and over.
  10. Keep the lines of communication open: Keep the lines of communication open with the seller throughout the process. This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page, and any issues can be addressed quickly.
  11. Bonus Tip: Attend your local real estate investors association. There is usually one in every city or country. They can help you choose real estate seminars to attend. When I attended them they cost o anywhere from 400 to 1200 dollars. They are well worth it. Each time I attended a seminar I learned a new way to buy a house, then made it my goal to buy a house in that way in the next two months.

Buying a house “subject to the mortgage” can be a great way to buy a property, but it’s important to understand the process and be aware of the risks. By following these tips, you can navigate the process smoothly and end up with a new home that you can afford. Remember to seek legal and financial advice before making any decisions.

10 Tips to Help you Learn Russian

Learning Russian can be a challenging but rewarding experience. As one of the six official languages of the United Nations and the eighth most spoken language in the world, Russian is an important language to know. Here are 10 tips to help you learn Russian:

  1. Start with the basics: Learn the Russian alphabet (Cyrillic) and basic grammar rules, such as verb conjugation and word declensions. This will give you a solid foundation to build upon.
  2. Immerse yourself in the language: One of the best ways to learn a new language is to immerse yourself in it. Listen to Russian music, watch Russian movies and TV shows, and listen to Russian podcasts.
  3. Find a language partner: Practice speaking with a native speaker. A language partner can provide valuable feedback, help you with your pronunciation, and expose you to colloquial language and slang.
  4. Use language-learning apps: There are many apps available that can help you learn Russian. Duolingo, Lingodeer, and Babbel are some popular choices. They can be great for learning vocabulary and grammar in a fun, interactive way.
  5. Practice, practice, practice: Consistently practicing speaking and listening to the language will help you improve quickly. Try to speak Russian as much as possible, even if it’s just with yourself.
  6. Read in Russian: Reading in Russian can help improve your vocabulary, grammar, and overall understanding of the language. Start with children’s books and gradually move on to more advanced material as your proficiency improves.
  7. Learn Russian grammar and syntax: Russian grammar and syntax are different from English, so it’s important to understand the rules. Make sure you master the basics of Russian grammar and syntax.
  8. Take a class: Sign up for a class, either in person or online. Classes provide structured learning and allow you to learn from experienced teachers. They also provide an opportunity to practice with other students.
  9. Be patient: Learning a new language is not easy, it will take time and effort, don’t be too hard on yourself. Be patient, and remember that it’s normal to make mistakes.
  10. Use authentic materials: When studying, try to use authentic materials as much as possible. This includes newspaper articles, books, and websites written in Russian, and also you can use Russian language software for typing, this will help you to improve typing speed and learn new vocabulary.

In summary, learning Russian can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By starting with the basics, immersing yourself in the language, and consistently practicing, you can improve your Russian speaking, listening, and writing skills. Remember to be patient and persistent, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. With dedication and hard work, you can become fluent in Russian