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George A Blake
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Calm Abiding Mediation
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Mature Male Nurse
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Unity In Duality Spirituality
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Learn Recall
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Vehicle Living
Click to go to my YouTube channel Medication Minute
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Psych Tech Tips
Click to go to my YouTube channel Language Learning Lane
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How to Invest in 
Real Estate


Welcome to GeorgeBlake.com. You will find a wide variety of helpful information here. To find the blog post your looking for see the panel on the right side of this website. There are categories, tags, archives, and recent posts you can click to find that certain blog post. Each blog post is the basis of a YouTube video. You can find links to ten different YouTube channels on the left side of this website.

If you are looking for information on cutting costs, raising sales, streamlining business operations, systems management, entrepreneurship, life struggles, business book reviews and summaries, Marine Corps or other leadership principles then go to the YouTube channel George A Blake

If you are looking for guided meditations, affirmations, subliminals, WHY mindfulness, hero’s journey meditation to start good habits or stop bad habits then the YouTube channel for you is Calm Abiding Meditation

If your a late bloomer, a senior or mature person, a male nurse or paramedic or anyone who started a new career much later in life (I went to nursing school when I was 60 years old) then the YouTube channel for you is Mature Male Nurse

If you are not religious but are looking for spirituality, interest in the Tao Te Ching, Zen, Buddhism, Eastern thought then join me on the YouTube channel Unity In Duality Spirituality

If you are a teacher or student in school or learning on your own then come get tips on studying, memory, learning, metalearning, speed reading and good grades on my YouTube channel LearnRecall

If you are interested in alternative living in a tiny house or vehicle be it a car, van, truck, bus or other vehicle then the YouTube channel for you is Vehicle Living

Learning about the origin of medication names help you to learn the medications. If you want to see brief pharmacology videos to help learn medications then join me on the YouTube Channel Medication Minute

If you are a mental health worker, a behavioral health tech, a psychiatric technician, or psych tech or you employ them then find helpful information about working with inpatient psychiatric patients at the YouTube channel Psych Tech Tips

If you are interested in 2nd language acquisition, or you are a want-to-be polyglot, that is, are you learning multiple languages then join me on the YouTube channel Language Learning Lane

If you are interested in buying and selling real estate, flipping or holding, if you want to become a real estate investor then check out the YouTube channel How to Invest in Real Estate